Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Sejahtera

Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Sejahtera

Friday 5 August 2011

Respon Mengenai dakyah Kristian oleh Dr Mohd Lee Huan Tee Abdullah

Awasi Dakyah Kristian

Oleh Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee bin Abdullah – Artikel ini adalah respon terkini mengenai dakwah Kristian.
Segelintir pihak Kristian hari ini menjadi semakin berani. Desakan, tuntutan dan ugutan dikemukakan kepada kerajaan, walaupun bilangannya kurang daripada 10 peratus. Peluang keemasan ini dimanipulasikan sepenuhnya dalam keadaan umat Islam negara ini begitu tersepit dengan perpecahan yang melanda. Sebelum ini, mereka mendesak kerajaan menubuhkan kementerian hal ehwal bukan Islam. Tindakan ini begitu mencabar kesucian Islam dan mengundang bahaya kepada kedudukan agama Islam selaku agama majoriti dan agama persekutuan jika dibenarkan.
Kebetulan pula, seorang kawan baik saya berketurunan India, beragama Kristian, bersimpati dengan Islam, menelefon saya baru-baru ini. Beliau yang mengajar di salah sebuah sekolah kebangsaan di Kuala Lumpur, mengadukan kepada saya mengenai seorang murid Melayu darjah satu yang diajar oleh guru tuisyen Kristian berbangsa Cina mengenai Kristian dan menghafal lagu-lagu Kristian. Saya mendengar lagu-lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh murid tersebut dengan teliti melalui telefon bimbit guru tersebut yang diserahkan kepadanya. Ternyata, anak kecil yang masih mentah dan tidak berdosa ini telah dicorakkan oleh guru Kristian tersebut melalui kelas tuisyen.
Tindakan guru tuisyen benar-benar keterlaluan dan amat kurang ajar. Saya amat mengharapkan pihak berkuasa akan mengambil tindakan tegas sebelum nasi menjadi bubur. Cukuplah dengan beberapa orang yang telah dimurtadkan secara berani seperti Aishah Bukhari, Azlina Jailani dan sebagainya. Ramai lagi sebenarnya yang menjadi mangsa, ini tidak termasuk yang masih belum dibuktikan. Hakikatnya, perancangan Kristian untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebagai syurga gerakan dakwah mereka memang tidak dapat dinafikan. Ianya bermula sejak mereka di bangku sekolah. Berhati-hatilah dengan guru-guru dan paderi-paderi musang berbulu ayam ini. Mereka akan menggunakan segala platform yang ada, atas nama pertubuhan, kelas tuisyen dan apa jua ruang dan peluang. Tindakan mereka begitu jelas bercanggah dengan perlembagaan persekutuan. Apakah kita masih mahu terus berdiam diri dan bersangka baik?
Berita terbaru mengenai tindakan Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) melakukan pemeriksaan ke atas Gereja Methodist Damansara Utama, di Petaling Jaya kerana terdapat bukti wujudnya percubaan memurtadkan umat Islam di negeri ini langsung tidak mengejutkan saya. Saya amat yakin perancangan jahat ini memang telah lama berlaku. Jika tidak percaya tanya exco Kristian dalam kerajaan negeri Selangor. Cuma dia pura-pura tidak tahu apabila ditanya. Begitu juga paderi-paderi yang terlibat. Ibarat lontar batu sembunyi tangan. Mereka akan cari seribu satu alasan untuk menunjukkan bahawa mereka tidak bersalah. Malangnya kita terlalu berlembut kerana takut undi lari dan kalah dalam pilihan raya. Sedangkan mereka begitu bersatu tanpa berbelah bahagi mempertahankan tindakan mereka.
Kita selalu bertindak menjaga kepentingan jangka pendek, melupakan kepentingan jangka panjang. Jika beginilah cara kita berpolitik, saya amat bimbang semakin ramai orang Melayu akan menjadi Kristian suatu masa nanti. Jangan perjudikan masa depan Islam, buruk padahnya. Gunakan peruntukan perlembagaan sedia ada. Lindungilah Islam sebelum terlambat.
Saya amat mengharapkan kita tidak akan tunduk kepada penafian mereka, seolah-olah mereka tidak bersalah. Mereka mesti disiasat mengikut Seksyen 10 Enakmen Jenayah Syariah 1995. Seksyen itu memperuntukan mereka yang menghina Islam atau menyebabkan agama itu dipandang hina; mempersendakan, mengajuk-ajuk atau mencemuh amalan atau upacara yang berhubungan dengan agama Islam adalah melakukan suatu kesalahan. Mereka yang disabitkan kesalahan itu boleh didenda tidak melebihi lima ribu ringgit atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh tidak melebihi tiga tahun atau kedua-duanya. Ikut saya, peruntukan ini terlalu ringan, undang-undang ini perlu dihalusi lagi untuk diberatkan lagi hukumannya.
Walaupun pihak Kristian menafikan tindakan mereka dengan mengatakan bahawa majlis makan malam diadakan dalam semangat 1Malaysia oleh Harapan Komuniti (NGO Kristian), bertujuan menawarkan bantuan kepada golongan yang tidak bernasib baik dan memerlukan. Semua itu adalah alasan sahaja. Mereka mahu berselindung di sebalik kerja-kerja amal. Dua puluh tujuh tahun dahulu, ketika saya menganut agama Kristian, helah ini juga digunakan untuk mengKristian pelajar-pelajar di asrama. Saya tahu perancangan licik mereka.
Saya memohon kepada Duli-Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku supaya campurtangan dan menjaga kesucian agama Islam daripada perancangan licik segelintir paderi-paderi Kristian ultra kiasu ini sebelum nasi menjadi bubur.
Jika kita mahu pastikan negara-negara Melayu Islam tidak tercemar lagi, seperti pencemaran yang telah mereka lakukan di Singapura dan Indonesia, tidak ada cara lain, selain bertindak tegas menggunakan peruntukan perlembagaan sedia ada. Jangan berlengah lagi. Tindakan perlu diambil terhadap golongan lempar batu sembunyi tangan.
Saya yakin ibu bapa murid tersebut tidak tahu menahu akan perkara tersebut. Jika ibu bapa murid tersebut tahupun, mereka tidak akan mensensasikan isu tersebut. Inilah sifat orang Melayu yang kadangkala meresahkan saya. Kepala sudah dipijak-pijak tetapi masih terus berlembut.
Berbeza sekali dengan sikap agresif ultra kiasu menangani iklan Ramadan TV8 yang dikatakan rasis. Bila hak mereka tercuit sedikit, heboh satu dunia seolah-olah negara bertuah ini begitu zalim terhadap mereka.Saya berulang kali menonton iklan tersebut melalui sebuah laman web. Saya tidak nampak di mana rasis sebagaimana yang didakwa. Tema sekadar menghormati agama sensitiviti umat Islam. Ia tidak ada kaitan sama ada iman kita lemah atau kuat. Takkan sekian lama hidup di negara bertuah ini masih tidak tahu atau tidak faham sensitiviti umat Islam? Apa erti agama Islam sebagai agama persekutuan jika tidak difahami dan dihormati.
Niat iklan tersebut adalah baik. Tetapi telah dimanupulasikan dan disensasikan. Beradab dan bersopan, adalah tuntutan semua agama. Menghormati agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi negara, adalah wajar terutama di bulan Ramadan. Adalah kurang adab jika kita makan di khalayak ketika umat Islam sedang berpuasa, atau sengaja memakai pakaian yang tidak senonoh, yang ditentang oleh semua agama.
Sama seperti mengunjungi majlis kematian orang bukan Islam. Adalah tidak manis jika umat Islam datang dengan pakaian berwarna merah. Saya yakin jika ada umat Islam datang dengan berbaju merah ketika majlis kematian, sudah tentu akan heboh 1Malaysia. Ini yang dikatakan bila kita lakukan sesuatu dikatakan rasis, tidak sensitif, tidak menghormati hak orang Islam.
Bila mereka yang melakukannya itu dikatakan sebagai hak. Ini bukan bermakna agama lain tidak perlu dihormati. Namun, oleh kerana agama Islam adalah agama majoriti dan agama rasmi pula, saya fikir tidak salah jika bukan Islam memberikan sedikit penghormatan. Memang secara peribadi tidak teruja langsung orang makan di depan saya atau mahu telanjang sekalipun ketika berpuasa, nak muntah ada, tetapi kita bercakap soal adab sopan dan sensitiviti.
Siapa yang akan mempertahankan kesucian agama Islam jika bukan kita. Janganlah menggantung harapan bahawa orang lain akan mempertahankan kita. Bila hak ita diambil itu dikatakan hak, bila hak mereka diambil, itu dikatakan rasis dan tidak adil. Licik sungguh politik dan strategi mereka. Apakah ini bukan ultra kiasu namanya? Apabila kerajaan melarang menggunakan nama Allah, menahan Al-Kitab (bible) dalam bahasa Melayu untuk diedarkan, maka berkokoklah mereka dengan mengatakan itu hak mereka. Namun, apabila kita melarang mereka menyebarkan agama Islam kepada orang Melayu kerana bertentangan dengan perlembagaan, maka mereka mencari seribu satu alasan untuk menjustifikasikan tindakan biadab ini.
Bila kita kemukakan bukti nanti, mereka akan canangkan kepada dunia, Malaysia tidak ada kebebasan beragama. Maka gagasan 1Malaysia akan dijadikan hujah untuk mempertahankan tindakan mereka. Malangnya sungguh gagasan ini, sengaja dimanipulasi untuk menghalalkan tindakan mereka. Akhirnya, kita salah, mereka yang betul.
Tidak kurang juga banyak iklan-iklan mengenai perlakuan negatif realiti orang melayu seperti merempit, menagih dadah dan pelbagai lagi, tetapi orang Melayu tidak pernah melompat seperti ultra kiasu ini. Bila kena pada mereka semuanya sensitif, namun bila kena pada kita sebagai umat Islam, mereka senyap sahaja dan kalangan mereka bertepuk tangan.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Government act cause choas

This all taken from OutSyed The Box

Government Flip Flopping Again

Here is a post by "Another Brick In The Wall" or ABITW : Has the Government and ruling party become afraid?


Brick laments a list of flip flopping by the Government. He includes the following :
i. allowing the Bersih actors to meet the King. (Since when do illegals get to meet the King?)
ii the Prime Minister, followed by Minister for Home Affairs, offering a stadium to Bersih. (Again the Home Minister had already said Bersih was illegal. So why offer a stadium?)
iii Najib and Hishamuddin then realised the legal implication and started backpeddling to explain their offer.
iv Election Commission made a blunder to engage Bersih. The Sinar Harian initiative only resulted in SPR Deputy Chairman being booed and heckled by the increasingly hooligan Bersih crowd.

My view on iv. is slightly different. The EC is actually causing severe embarrasment to Bersih by boldly making these public appearances with them. It shows that the EC has nothing to hide and is willing to tolerate any number of boos and heckling and face the hooligans.


And here is a prediction I would like to make : Very soon the Bersih will say 'No thank you' to any more public appearances with the EC. Because the public will be able to see two things. Firstly the EC stands its ground and is not afraid to meet Bersih or the public. Secondly the public will see that the hooligans are resorting to more booing and creating a ruckus to prevent the EC from speaking. Just wait and see.


Never mind. I do hope that the EC will continue with its 'meet the public' sessions and let the public (including those perpetual trouble causers) ask all the questions that they want to ask. I hope the EC will also tell the public about the house in Permatang Pauh that has over 60 registered voters. Now how did that happen? The Bersih people are quiet about this house.

You can read the rest of "Brick In The Wall".


Sources say that the Police were also unhappy with the way the Government managed the Bersih. True to their responsibilities, the Police would have preferred more stringent methods. Apa nak buat? Pemimpin kita berani cakap saja, berani bagi amaran saja.


I want to highlight a few more cases of embarrasing flip flops - often involving the same Ministry.


The present huru-hara about the biometric registration of illegals and immigrant workers is causing major chaos. The Deputy Prime Minister has stated that there are now four million Indonesians in the country. Plus the Banglas, Nepalis, Filipinos, Rohingyas, Myanmars, mainland Chinese, Iranians and others, the number is possibly over five million.


Knowing that there are that many foreigners in our country, how can the Ministry allocate just two weeks to get everyone registered? I really sympathise with that factory boss who had to hire two buses to take her 60 Banglas to Putrajaya to have them registered, only to be given the run around by the Immigration people.


But there is a bit more to this story. The new biometric system cuts down on a lot of 'cari makan' activities. Here is how it works. Once an illegal, legal or anyone is biometrically processed, their two index fingers are captured in the computer. Then their passport and visa info is scanned (or captured) into the computer. Their photo is also captured. So now fingerprints, photo, passport and details in passport must all match.


This also makes the visa and permit renewal process quite mechanical. To renew their permits, they just place their index fingers on the computer again, and if the finger prints, photo and passport info matches (meaning it is not Sabiyar borrowing Sukiman's passport for the day) then the renewal or rejection is quite automatic.


Very, very much less opportunity for 'rundingan'. One source says that this is why there are people who "hate the biometric system". So there is plenty of resistance to this biometric system.


N'theless, the Ministry should have planned things better. Everytime the Goverment flips or flops, it costs the people money. It costs money to hire buses and transport 60 workers to Putrajaya. They have to be fed too. And there is lost production time. The cost of doing business goes up. The business people will have no choice but pass the costs to the consumer through higher prices - to recover their higher costs. So akhir sekali, pengguna yang kena bayar harga tinggi. Kita yang jadi miskin dulu.


Then there is also the flip flop by the Ministry of Domestic Trade. This is the fracas over the Hire Purchase Act which killed off sales in the motorcar industry for two months. Here is the news:
  • Government agrees to revise Hire Purchase Act
  • PETALING JAYA: The Government has agreed to revise the recently amended Hire Purchase Act 1967 (HPA) following the brouhaha it created since its implementation barely two months earlier.
  • Following a meeting with the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry yesterday, the Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) said the bulk of the amendments that were made to the HPA would be revised.
  • “The meeting went well. Most of the MAA's requests were accommodated,” its president Datuk Aishah Ahmad told StarBiz when contacted yesterday.
  • “The changes will now make it easier for registrations and will take effect immediately. The Government will issue a circular on the changes next week,” she said.

So after causing chaos for two months, causing severe losses for car sellers, and causing losses for members of the public (your old cars lost their resale values folks) now the Government simply says : ok we will revise the whole thing.


I have written about this Hire Purchase Act fiasco a number of times. Things like these just wont work. I could see the problems coming - as clear as daylight. Now the Ministry has to eat their words and look foolish. Padan muka Pak. Kan saya dah cakap hari itu, benda ini akan menyusahkan orang saja. Perkara yang dibuat tanpa memikir panjang dan dalam. Common sense tak ada.


Why not talk to the factory owners and the labour agencies and the foreign workers about this new Biometric system for registering illegals and legal foreign workers? Apa susah sangat?


Why not talk to the car dealers and the industry players (talk means discuss and listen, not talk down) before implementing the changes to the Hire Purchase Act.


What happened to Pemandu, Pemudah, Pemadam, Pengintip and Penggoda? The Government is spending hundreds of millions of Ringgit on these con-sultans and yet we still have these major screw ups happening in the country.


Then I was recently invited to attend a meeting at the Ministry of Information. The Ministry wanted to discuss the setting up of a Media Consultative Council. Previously this idea was known as the Media Council. To give you the quick conclusion : this idea was quite thoroughly killed at that meeting.


I must congratulate the KSU of the Ministry of Information, Dato Kamaruddin Siaraf for being such a good sport, calling everyone for a meeting and taking all the bricks that were thrown at him at that meeting. It was a hot meeting. Tahniah Dato. I can feel your pain when the Minister asks you to do all these silly things. As if Dato tak ada kerja lain untuk dibuat.


The Media Council, Media Consultative Council etc was a bad idea. No one was in favour of it. You can read more about this at Nuraina's Blog here : Media Practitioners Reject Information Ministry's Proposed Media Consultative Council


Although the Ministry of Information went one step better by calling for a meeting with the media practitioners (newspapers, blogs etc) it was still a bad idea in the first place. I felt much sympathy for Dato Kamaruddin Siaraf who was given this silly task. Throughout the meeting I believe he wished he was somewhere else. No one supported the idea.


The crunch came (and I thought 'game over' for the meeting) when the Dato asked the 'wakil daripada KDN' to back him up. He actually asked them for their support. But the 'wakil daripada KDN' replied 'we are here to listen first to what the industry has to say'. The Dato was left to fend for himself.


Then the Dato invited another wakil Kerajaan to say something. The wakil, my good teh tarik friend, said 'the Ministry seems confused about what it wants'. With this type of reply from these two wakil Kerajaan, the meeting was as good as dead. The poor KSU was at a total loss.


Folks, there is some serious anger building up within the Civil Service. Senior Civil Servants in Putrajaya are feeling left out or sidelined by the new 'con-sultans' who walk the corridors at Putrajaya. The Pemandu employs them, the Pemudah, the GLCs, even the PM's office. These folks know little about many things but not much about anything. Then they tell the Civil Servants how to do their jobs. And these 'con-sultans' are paid anything from RM30,00 a month or more.


To justify their paychecks, they often come up with unworkable and strange ideas and then hoist it upon the Civil Servants to implement. When the silly ideas dont work, the 'con-sultans' disappear, leaving the Civil Servants to face the public and bear the blame.


There is much resentment building up now among the senior Civil Service, especially in Putrajaya. Good people are being turned into enemies. (Thinking aloud : is this being done deliberately to turn the Civil Service against the Government, to make sure the Government loses the elections?) Hellooo? Anyone listening?


Talk is that the Civil Service is now less 'Minister' friendly. Since Minister's are the ones who often ask the Civil Servants to do all these silly things (implement and then retract the new Hire Purchase Act, call the meeting about the Media Consultative Council and then cancel the idea, and other things) the senior Civil Servants look at Ministers as trouble causers. I agree with them completely.


The Prime Minister is on record as saying that 'the days of Government knows best are over'. YB Dato Sri, may I tweak this sentence a little bit. I think it should be 'the days of "Ministers know best" are over'.


I have met and spoken to your Ministers. They certainly do not know or understand too many things. They depend on the 'con-sultans' who know even less to make their wild suggestions. Then they burden the KSUs, TKSUs, and the Civil Servants with the burden of implementing these silly ideas. Net result : the Civil Service now resents the leadership.


Please speak directly to the KSUs. Empower the EPU and the ICU again. The Fourth Floor is screwing things up again. Talk to the people. Talk to us lah, the Bloggers - we are people too. Bukan lah kita semua pandai sangat, but I think we can tell you some useful things. Most importantly we can help you avoid pitfalls, you know 'Hang Tuah terjun ke dalam lubang . . .' type of situations.

My opinion is the government need to think all the possibilities before make any act.